Monday, 4 January 2016

The Best TV Shows!

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year celebrations. The time between Xmas and the New Year is so weird, no one really knows what to do!

I recently watched the new Star Wars, The Force Awakens and was surprisingly impressed. Before seeing it I saw this video explaining how JJ Abrams went at lengths to keep the chracteristic style of the original Star Wars from 1977. Directors going at lengths like this don't happen that often anymore, so its nice to see that it worked out. The movie isn't outstanding, but the way Hollywood works I shall expect that Oscars will be dropping for Abrams for it.

My Biases Explained

So first of all I think its important to understand what I personally like and don't like. This will make things easier in deciding whether you will go for my recommendations or not. If your not in the same mindset then you may not enjoy the same shows as me.

Great Characters - One of the things I've realised is that a good character combined with a decent plotline is what makes a good show for me. Personally I think there is just too much emphasis on having good plotlines to make a show, and that makes it gimmocky. An example of this would be the series Heroes. Great idea of having people with superpowers, but in the end for me its all just hot air as all the [millions of] characters (apart from Hiro) were pretty bland.

Look to the Future - I'm not really a big fan of past dramas, that is olden day style shows. Hence probably why I haven't started watching Game of Thrones yet as that era (whenever that is) seems quite old fashioned and doesn't really appeal to me. Modern day and futuristic city themes are more my cup of tea, especially if it shows it off.

A Simple Plot Will Do - A lot of shows have gone to town with trying to create a great plot to sell themselves, but ended up making things too complicated and confusing to understand. Lost is an example where they had some good characters and a great concept, but in order to keep their initial mystery going as along as possible, they kept adding more characters, more stories, and in the end they had too much to explain in the end! Oh yeah, and I'm talking to you, True Detective season 2!

Things Have Got to Change! - As series progresses, things have to change in some way for the main protagonists. As time goes by, there should be things that happen that make things different permanently. There are a few shows in which nothing changes because they have a winning formula, but in the end it just drags on and makes the show worse.

P-Yan's Picks

House MD - About a specialist doctor based on the character of Sherlock Holmes. He is an asshole, but one who is always right about things! Each episode has a patient who has a mysterious illness that they have to solve and cure.

The Good Wife - About a mom returning to become a lawyer who is married to a scandalized governor. Unlike Suits, each episode shows cases happening in court, and the dirty and clever tactics used to win. One of the worst titles unfortunately.

The Walking Dead - Following a group of survivors in a zombie apocalypse. Starting to get on my nerves now in the newer episodes at how some people are still dying doing stupid things that you would have expected them not to do anymore.

The Affair - As the title suggests, its about how an affair between two married couples effects everyone. Each episode is split into two showing what is happening from both characters perspectives.

Mr Robot - About a hacker trying to take down a big cooperation. Has a similar feel to the style of the movie Fight Club. Also follows another character trying to work his way up the Corperate ladder in an American Psycho way. Another bad title, but this is my favourite new show last year.

House of Cards - Kevin Spacey is a manipulative politician in the White House trying to manoeuvre his way into the Presidency.

Sense8 - By the directors of The Matrix, 8 characters around the world are able to use each other's abilities. A Korean, South African, Mexican, Indian, German, Chicago Cop, Transgender San Fransisco, and a Finnish DJ. Pretty NSFW!

Sherlock - About Sherlock Holmes, but in modern day London. Each episode is 90 minutes long, so each one is like its own movie!

Black Mirror - Each episode is about a new futuristic advanced technology used, and how it effects modern day life and the stories of the people that uses them.

Breaking Bad - A chemistry teacher transitions to becoming a meth cook after learning he has cancer.

Ray Donovan - About an Irish "fixer" mafia man. Kinda feels like it came straight out of Grand Theft Auto storylines.

Luther - About a cop in London solving murders. Really grimey and dark, but quite cool that you can see that other side of London.

Seems it is quite difficult to describe these shows without giving away too much! Hope you guys enjoy watching them. Netflix is the worst releasing all the episodes for one season in 1 go, since I end up watching all of them straight away!

I'm always up for checking out new shows, so if I missed any good ones lemmie know!

Awesome Games Done Quick Jan 3rd - 10th

If you guys love your old videos games being completed in the fastest time possible for charity, please check out the live stream this week and donate if you want! Last year they raised over a million dollars for The Prevent Cancer Foundation. Who would have thought that 150k ppl would watch other people play video games and raise that much money for charity?!

Here's one of my fave vids from last year of Super Monkey Ball... that game is haaaard!

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