But Fealee Fealaa I have been. I've tightened up/loosened my game, played different strategies and HUDless too. Questioning my decisions, blaming myself, meaning the consistency is lacking. Despite my losing stretch of 2011 I'm still learning shitloads, but just lacking confidence. Seems like everytime I know I should call K8 vs this reg, and do so, I get p0wned as his 75o hitting a straight or something.
Computer Update is ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
What is mega tilting is how long its taking for my new computer to arrive. I ordered it at PC Specialist, and they have a pretty cool tracking system that tells you where they're at. They've been waiting for a part for the last week and a half now; my i7 Intel Processor. Its now day 15 of my order, of which they estimated 14 days for my order to arrive.
I mean, how can it take them that long to get a part? To me it seems they don't keep track of their stocks and basically just wait til they run out before ordering new ones. I don't know why they'd do this, its so basic for businesses to keep their stocks updated...
Either way, I'm sure this is costing me money. On my PC now I either have the choice of playing 14 tables with HUD, or 18 without. And quite frankly, I'm missing my HUD. Not that its super important, but it just helps with those tougher decisions, and I'm able to get more information on my randoms.
Hurry the fuck up!
Fishy Weekends with no Fishing Rod
It really does seem that I get doomswitched on weekends. With all the fish around, its extra frustrating when I get sucked out on losing to them. What can you do? Nothing. Maybe I'm lacking in volume in order to fully take advantage, but there's nothing worse then having fish own you with their terrible calls (keep making them!).
I've decided to take my Supernova status off view to others. I think there are merits both ways, but I seem to think that randoms are calling me wider because they know I am. The "for" argument is that randoms would be scared of Supernovas, but if I had a choice I'd take not being called wider over scared play.
Please enjoy my bubble hand where I got called with 34o (misclick?). How did we not chop the pot wow?

Superstar Showdown vs Durrr Challenge
When I first heard of the Durrr Challenge, I thought it was genius. No doubt that Dwan is a poker genius. But after almost 2 years, and only 2 matches of which hasn't even finished, the challenge is blatently not about who's gonna win, but when the hell are they gonna freakin' finish!
So in true copycat fashion, Stars has come up with Superstar Showdown. Not only did Full Tilt not hire Isldur, but now they have a rival to the Durrr Challenge, and it p0wns them!
"A SuperStar Showdown is a high stakes, heads-up match consisting of a single session of 2,500 hands. The match is played across four tables of No Limit Hold’em and Pot Limit Omaha, at stakes no lower than $50/$100. The winner is the player that shows either a profit after 2,500 hands, or wins all of their opponent’s match bankroll."
So what's so great about this in comparison to the Durrr Challange? Well for starters, its short! A challenge lasts 2 sessions max, and therefore we get results lol. There are a range of competitors, including other pros, and they've even let qualifiers in to play a match too!
So far 6 matches has been played vs pros, and Isildur is 4-2 up. Numbers will speak volumes of his greatness, and right now its on point. Tom Dwan who? Winning vs Antonius but losing to Jungleman? So bored of those matches now, they're never gonna finish. Isildur's challenge is great for PokerStars, and for Online Poker (and Poker) in general!
**Spoiler! Look away now!!**
Current Results of All Matches so far;
Match 1 - Isaac Haxton "philIvey2694" beats Isildur1 for $41,701
Match 2 - Tony G loses to Isildur 1 for $44,820
Match 3 - Daniel Cates "w00ki3z" (Jungleman 12) loses to Isildur1 for $51,000
Match 4 - Eugene 'MyRabbitFoo' Katchalov loses to Isildur1 for $111,000
Match 5 - Daniel Negreanu "KidPoker" loses to Isildur1 for $150,000
Match 6 (Rematch) - Daniel Negreanu "KidPoker" beats Isildur1 for $26,500
Congrats to Negreanu for winning the rematch. It can be tough doing the challenge again after getting completely owned the week before. In fact, kidpoker was down $109k by the half way point before mounting an amazing comeback.
Negreanu's attitude towards the online community is inspirational... especially compared to the "live" players who don't respect them at all. He's willing to learn from both aspects of poker and incorporate it into his game. Something that other "Old Skoolers" need to do... evolve with the game as it changes.
I'm really impressed with Superstar Showdown. We need more of this in Poker. Stuff to talk about. Guys putting their money where their mouth is. And no doubt this is making Isildur become more of a legend then he is...
Durrr vs Antonious is growing cobwebs... *yawn*