So I'm in my new apartment kinda twiddling my thumbs working out what to do for the next week without proper internet. I say "proper" as I can still tether using my phone, but since it has a limit of which I've pretty much already used up, I cant go willy nilly using it all the time as I'll get charged tons for going over it. Also, because of the limit, I cant watch any youtube videos or streams (which I miss dearly) which sucks. I would always love to put some game on in the background from twitch so that I can half watch them play, and also listen to their playlist which is cool as I'm lazy and sometimes cant be bothered to think about what I wanna listen to myself.
So here is my list that I've come up with to help me get through my internetless week;
- Reorganise my 3 external hard drives so that all my tv shows, movies, work and poker stuff is all in one place and easy to get to.
- Reorganise my itunes music. So much random nameless tracks and a lot of duplicates as well. This should take me ages lol
- Watch lots of movies! I've already started going through my James Bond collection haha
- Go outside LOL. However, this option kinda sucks as when you go to town or whatever you tend to spend money, which isn't good as when you move house there are a lot of outstanding bills and stuff so I'm not so keen on doing this too much. Sounds like an excuse not to go outside haha.
- Play Starcraft on tethering on my phone... which I've tried a few times and its a bit dodgy. But since I've pretty much maxed out my limit I dunno if this is really a viable option.
So as you can see I don't really have that much to do, and I'm the kinda guy that likes to keep myself busy these days...
Mad exciting pic of it eh? |
Yeah, I know that this is kinda contradictory to what I just said about saving money lol. But yea seems like a good deal and it can add a few more internet waiting things to the list;
- Watch TV
- Play video games
I had also gotten a glass desk. I find that glass tables are much better to use and they're easier to clean as well. Seems like I'm like totally getting ready to prepare for my internet arriving so that I can get straight back into working on the poker tables. I know that sod's law dictates that I will run terrible when I play since I'm so desperate to do so, but hopefully this wont happen.
[Later edit]
Since I started writing this blog and now I've actually finally got the internet after a crazy stressful experience, here's what I actually did;
- Reorganise the HDs
- Kinda organised music
- Watched lots of telly in true couch potato style... but too late for the olympic stuff
- Traded in tethering Starcraft 2 (was killing my data limit) for getting the old playstation 2 out and clocking GTA San Andreas, which I have to say is an amazing game and holy shit it gets impossible with the challenges (had to use cheats in the end =P)
- Super set up everything all ready to go.
I have to say that these days have been one of the most annoying days ever. Not only have I moved out in a time where I was starting to feel settled in and in a position to start saving, I had also been stuck in limbo in a pretty cool apartment with nothing to do essentially and not really able to spend money (i.e go out and do stuff in town etc) coz I have bills and other outstanding payments from the move to do. I've been unable to make any money from poker so there is a lot of pressure to get a good first week, and if your experienced with playing online poker a lot I"m sure you'll know there's nothing worse then relying on good weeks coz they never really seem to come when you need them most. Well, we'll see how things go...
I still haven't decided whether I'm gonna go for Supernova. One of the biggest things that make this hard these days is that the traffic is quite low in comparison to pre Black Friday. For my STT sets I've been playing 4 different games (7/15s turbos and 7/15s KOs) for 20 tables to load up quick enough. Another thing that scares me is that there are no more 27s, but 30s. $3 may not seem a lot but playing so many of these games it adds up, meaning that if I play them the swings are gonna be crazy.
It kinda annoys me that Pokerstars have these stakes that jump up so high. They seem to be rather bankroll building unfriendly. Seems like with these stakes being so much of a jump it basically makes the players unable to move up and be stuck in a certain stake, and then when they do move up its a big risk and makes it hard to stay there. They're argument that introducing new stakes will interfere with other games, but I don't buy that, as STTers all multi table and will be happy to play different stakes at the same time.
The fact that these stakes are doubling each other is quite ridiculous;
Starts at $1.50, $3.50 (?), $7, $15, $30, $60, $100 etc
Should be like $1, $2.50, $5, $10, $15, $26, $37, $50, $75, $100 etc
I would really like to see if having more stakes = less money for them. I cant believe that it would make traffic worse? Plus if there are more stakes, then there are more tables for players to multi table meaning that there is more rake? Sure that'd make more sense.
I really do think that I'm a better place now with my game then before. For one thing I'm actually making money LOLz. When I moved up things were a lot less structured, I was too over confident which came back to bite me in the ass, and less motivated/dedicated. Now I feel that I'm sure where I'm at, more experienced in certain situations and more knowledgable... but what people fail at understanding is that more knowledge doesn't mean one answer, it means many answers and understanding them, and then choosing one.
I had gone through the process of playing shove mad to weird/out of the box to super straight up non shoving to now a more foundationally driven style that incorporates all of the above when the situations fit.
Its always hard to know in poker if your doing something good/bad in poker because there is no direct consequence straight away. I always like to use the comparison that if a tennis player hits his backhand and it always goes out then he knows there is a problem with it. Playing poker is like hitting that backhand and have it randomly go in and out over 50 shots, and you can only tell after 500 shots that something is wrong with it.
My structure is now like this;
Days are split into 2 sessions. I will almost always play at least 1 session. Day sessions are going to be STTs and KO STTs, with a minimum of 2 sets of 20. Evening sessions are going to be 180m and maybe a speckle of those luckbox MTTs. I will always pre-decide how many sessions I will play the night before at least so that I can plan the day ahead. I will also try to eat inbetween sessions or prepare something I can warm up during the break. This might seem a bit military but I kinda like having it this way. It gives me a beginning and an end like 9-5 work, and also its a good way to plan certain days when I wanna not play and hang out with friends etc.
As vain as it sounds, I had a 10k game breakeven stretch with those biases, now playing foundationally stronger I've made $5k this year so I cant deny that the connection is there. Games are tougher now and you have to work much harder then before. But this is a skill that I'm constantly working on and I'm much happier with my progress this year.
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My last 6 months graph. Not sure if sharkscope is calculating the KO STT's properly but it seems to be more accurate then HEM at the moment. |
well done sir